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Sermons for Comfort

audio.gif (923 bytes)"The Gospel of Comfort for God's Church"  Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 1
Preached by Rev. Barry Gritters pastor of the Hudsonville Protestant Reformed Church

audio.gif (923 bytes)"The Comfort of Belonging to Jesus" Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 1
Preached by Rev. Herman Hoeksema (1886-1965) on January 7, 1962 in the First Protestant Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan.

audio.gif (923 bytes)"Submissive Silence" Psalm 39:9
Preached by Rev. G. Van Baren on the occasion of the death (of leukemia) of a teen-aged boy.

audio.gif (923 bytes)"Into Thy Hand I Commit My Spirit" Psalm 31:5
Preached by Rev. Carl Haak at the funeral service of Mrs. Carolyn Houck, wife of Rev. Steven Houck (Dec. 31, 2001)

audio.gif (923 bytes)"A Glimpse into Glory" Revelation 3:11-12
Preached by Rev. G. Van Baren at the funeral service of Rev. Cornelius Hanko (March 17, 2005).